Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I've Come to Realize...

That not all childhood friends should have made it this far in my life

Sometimes you have to be a bitch to get people to know you stand your ground

I really don't like vegetables

Some dreams will come true

Not to delete texts and emails before I get a reply, I easily forget what I sent

I like to write only in black ink

My cat isn't loving and freindly as I'd hoped for

That traveling isn't so bad after all, as long as you are in good company

I really do love my hair dark

That blogging is really my favorite thing and I have often have to say that I am quite good at it

That my sister and I will never be as close as I would like

You have to let people go, grow up and return when they are ready

That Prayer really does work

That the man at the taco truck really isn't that friendly


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