Thursday, June 30, 2011

Independence Day.

Independence Day is a day for bbqing, swimming and most of all FIREWORKS!  So to prepare I have found some really fun and cute ideas to boost and decorate a party since I have been all about themes this year. 

Happy 4th of July Bunting, great to put out on the patio or above the garage.

Stars and Stripe themed blow up ice chest.
White Chocolate covered pretzels dipped in red, white and blue sprinkles

Summer ready beverages, perfect for a poolside 4th of July

Many more ideas and DIY ideas may be found at!

******Happy and Safe 4th of July!******

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Maybe She's Just That Not Into You.

Apparently guys at times aren't aware that girls just aren't interested in them.  Sending a girl you have never met a drink across the bar while she is sitting and conversing with a few friends, winding down from her crazy work day is often not sweet or cute, but very creepy.  Do guys not realize that most girls aren't into taking the chance of being roofied without even knowing their first name.   It also isn't normal to tell a girl how big your testicles are, that you have named your truck Allison or make her drive all on a first date.  Yes, all three of these things happened to me on the same date.  Luckily, it wasn't an actual date but more like a first meeting.  He shows up 2 hours late, in his rain soaked work clothes and I believe he was partially drunk.  At that point I knew I had to bail.  Making the right decision I did, I had brought 2 friends along for support as he had brought his whole family to work as his support system.  I texted him when I left to let him know it was nice to have met but I just wasn't interested, it didn't quite end there.  The texts and calls came through out the evening and carried on for the next few days.  With no reply from me they finally stopped.  Now randomly I get the pleasure of getting 1 text a month from him stating "are you still alive?"  I replied once with "no I passed last Tuesday".  Never have I have heard from him again....  I also must say that talking dirty to a girl through text that you are not involved with, calling/texting after 10pm, Twitter Stalking or haunting her friends for info when she has shown no sign of interest should be a hint that SHE'S JUST NOT THAT INTO YOU!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

{Boudoir Marathon}

Friday, June 24, 2011

My Five Friday Favs.

1.  4 Berry Salad: Blueberry, Raspberry, Strawberry & Blue Raspberries

2.  My closet pic I posted and edited on Instagram this week

3.  Nights in Rodanthe Movie... MUST SEE!

4.  Anthropologie Cereal Bowl I use daily.

5.  Forever 21 Tribal Mix Top

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Junk Gypsy Co.

Lately I have been following these gals who call themselves The Junk Gypsy Co.  They started off with a website and now have a blog and twitter as well.  It's two sisters and their mother who started traveling the roads to collect random items for their roadside collection once they figured out that the city living with the high rise office seat and college degreed job just wasn't for them.  I admire people who live the free spirit life and hope to one day be as brave as them.  Visit them on their full website @  or on their blog at to check out their full story, do a little shopping or just check out some of the pics they have posted on their random road finds. 

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Fresh & Easy

Two years ago when I moved out on my own I came across a newly opened grocery store a couple towns over that I fell in complete <3 with.  It had everything from fresh fruits and veggies to fresh flowers, meals made for the single person perfect to just throw in the oven to fresh baked goods and mommy friendly reserved parking spots outside.  Not that it applied to me, but I thought it was soo neat.  I have since told everyone about Fresh & Easy, visited it at least once a week along with the website for weekly deals and sales, it has also helped me open my eyes and taste buds to new recipes.  They carry alot of their own products and have an amazingly clean and friendly store.  Below I have posted some pics of the wonderful things I have found while shopping at Fresh & Easy.  I hope for you to visit one soon and enjoy it as much as I do!!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Summer Shadows.

Eyeshadows are something you must change every season, especially if you are into Brights, Bolds, Darks or Neutrals.  It seems that pops of color like Bright eyes, dark liner or even a fun bright blue liner with a shimmery Goldish shadow might also be fun and summery.  These are a few of my favs I frequently use when wanting to get that fun flirty look in the Summer...

Mac Gorgeous Gold Eye Shadow
Mac Pigment Violet
Mac Fluidline Blue Peep

Monday, June 20, 2011

Father's Day.

Father's day was very hectic this year.  With it being Father's day and Tipton's Portuguese Celebration day our family got together at the hall during the festa and for once was able to get some cute iPhone candid shots in... ENJOY!

Happy Father's Day, Day after!

Friday, June 17, 2011

My Five Friday Favs.

1.  Navy inspired Maxi in Cream and Gold

2.  Lime Ice Cream Jello Bars.

3.  Vintage candy jar on my desk

4.  I received this text last week and have just had to post! HILARIOUS~~

5.  Fedora for those days of laying on the beach.

Thursday, June 16, 2011


The other night I randomly texted a few of my close friends who have always been pretty honest and upfront with me. So I texted them this: "If you could ask me any question or questions, anything at all what would it be?" With the intentions that I am going to post the questions anonymously with my answers.

Wanna get drunk with me one of these days? I miss those days.
-Of course I do I miss those days as much as you do. What getting older has done to us:( lol

Are you happy?
-Yes, not a 100% but We all have times where we don't feel that way but today I must say is a good day.

What would you like to do or change in your life to be happy?
-My dream would be to move somewhere tropical and fun. Live like a free spirit.

Would you marry me?
-Of course I would, especially if you needed it for benefits or to reach an advancement in life:)

Do you wish that you were married already?
-I used to a long time ago. Then I see what my friends have to deal with and I thank god he saved me from making that mistake with the wrong person.

If you could travel one place in the world and money be limitless where would it be to?
-I'd for sure want to travel like Elizabeth Gilbert in Eat Pray Love. She went on her own and risked everything she had to experience something that most people would never ever dream of.

What do you like about me?
-I don't just like, I love the fact that you are a wonderul cousin, honest friend and great listener.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Quick Stop Sweating Tips.


Potatoes is a strange home remedies in all other home remedies to stop sweating. Buy some potatoes, and cut them, and half of it to rub inner armpits. There is no exact reason why it works, but people have success in this direction. Potatoes are naturally fat free, low in calories and full of nutrients, so it is good for you to eat them.

Drinking Sage contains vitamin B high magnesium which helps reduce the sweat gland activity and therefore reduce underarm sweating. You can brew sage in hot water and after it has finished let it cool a bit or drop some ice in it. Do not boil it more than 10 minutes otherwise some toxins within the leaves will seep through which could be hazardous for you. Drink one or two cups per day of this tea. But don’t drink too much! Your excessive sweating will reduce or even stop after you drink some days.

Mix two teaspoons of vinegar with two teaspoons of raw honey for better tasting. Take the formula three times a day on an empty stomach, half an hour before a meal or after each meal. You can expect to see results within a week.


Prevent sweating and stinky feet by swiping soles with an antiperspirant in the morning.  Also may work under your boobs or put powder in your bra before putting it on.  Same goes for your feet.  Put powder in your socks or shoes before putting them on.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Mascaras are so hard to shop for.  You need to actually test them out and really just like the one that gives you the look you want and are looking for.  Some offer thickness or length, while others offer no clumping or smudgeproof.  For the past couple of years I have been using Benefits Bad Gal Lash. 
I love the softness and smooth glide, also how long it lasts compared to others. But for the price you pay for it, it should last. I have also posted a few others that some of my friends swear by!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Themed Summer Parties.

Summer BBQ's when hosted by a girl or girls, should and always have to be themed.  I think the whole Mexican fiesta theme is always perfect.  And who doesn't love blended Margaritas on the patio while listening to the most recent hot gossip!  I came across some of the cutest ideas that are total must haves for that hostess to use while entertaining her guests. 

Friday, June 10, 2011

My Five Friday Favs.

1.  Crystal Light Lemonade Packets On the Go

2.  Fresh picked corn on the cob

3.  Forever 21 Earrings

4.  Shady Sunglasses

5.  Summer Daze Fascinator

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Favorite Blogs.

I have a select few blogs I follow daily.  Either for fashion, love, food or just some inspiration.  Below I have posted the ones on my daily to read list:


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

10 Summer Must Dos.

1.  Visit Santa Monica Pier

2.  County or State Fair...

3.  Take a hike through nature, then picnic at your destination

4.  Ride beach cruisers along the beach.

5.  Host a BBQ for friends with a great summer menu

6.  Take a dancing class

7.  Lay on a blanket in the back yard with a few girlfriends watching the stars and talk about where life has taken you

8.  Visit a few Farmers Markets

9.  Watch concerts in the park

10.  Try some new gym classes

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Farmers Market.

Summer to me goes hand in hand with Farmers Markets'.  There is just something about longer days, fresh fruits, veggies and homemade BBQ stands that literally melts my heart.  A few of the local towns around my area have Farmers Markets during the summer with a wide variety of food and entertainment.  One of the towns has weekly themes featuring local cultures.  Different vendors come sell their homemade foods, wide variety of nick knacks, along with a beer & wine garden that stays open late, and a band with a dance floor in the middle of the street that makes you feel that much more daring.  It's a great way to sport that new jersey maxi with some sandals and venture out on the second or third date.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Vitamin E.

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin found in many foods, fats, and oils. It is also an antioxidant.  Taking a daily capsule of Vitamin E may help with eye health, rheumatoid arthritis, heart disease and many other common illnesses we seem to adopt as we get older.  As good as it is for your inner body it is also good for your outer as well.  I use Vitamin E oil on my skin daily to help heal cuts, fade scars or just even add that extra glow that maybe needed when my skin dries out from soo much sun exposure.