Maybe She's Just That Not Into You.
Apparently guys at times aren't aware that girls just aren't interested in them. Sending a girl you have never met a drink across the bar while she is sitting and conversing with a few friends, winding down from her crazy work day is often not sweet or cute, but very creepy. Do guys not realize that most girls aren't into taking the chance of being roofied without even knowing their first name. It also isn't normal to tell a girl how big your testicles are, that you have named your truck Allison or make her drive all on a first date. Yes, all three of these things happened to me on the same date. Luckily, it wasn't an actual date but more like a first meeting. He shows up 2 hours late, in his rain soaked work clothes and I believe he was partially drunk. At that point I knew I had to bail. Making the right decision I did, I had brought 2 friends along for support as he had brought his whole family to work as his support system. I texted him when I left to let him know it was nice to have met but I just wasn't interested, it didn't quite end there. The texts and calls came through out the evening and carried on for the next few days. With no reply from me they finally stopped. Now randomly I get the pleasure of getting 1 text a month from him stating "are you still alive?" I replied once with "no I passed last Tuesday". Never have I have heard from him again.... I also must say that talking dirty to a girl through text that you are not involved with, calling/texting after 10pm, Twitter Stalking or haunting her friends for info when she has shown no sign of interest should be a hint that SHE'S JUST NOT THAT INTO YOU!
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