Free life information or life changing quotes are hard to come by. For the past ummm, year or so I have been on Twitter. It has become part of my daily routine to wake up, make a cup of coffee and read what I have missed during my eight hours of being off in wonderland. I have certain people that I follow who tweet inspiring words with amazing messages behind them. Some people tweet about their recent Facebook or blog postings, some tweet good and bad advice to others & some use it as a way to express themselves in 140 characters or less. My favorites to follow are @pattistanger she gives amazing dating advice and is as honest as could be. @RevRunWisdom posts daily religious and biblical quotes to literally live by. I often find myself saying OMG that is sooo me today. @MadisonMalibu is just funny and loves to post pictures of his daily business ventures, which coming from a small town I love seeing what he's up to next. And of course @therealzooyed is just herself as she was in Failure to Launch, how can you just not love her! I often post what comes to mind and/or what is happening at the moment. Some like it and some well... don't. It takes time like anything else to get a hold of the understanding of the Twitter world. For the longest time I would have to google and see what RT, Hashtags, http:.bit blah blah blah was. I have grown to know how it all works now and am loving how private you can make your Twitter account too. Once a week I get online to check if I have any new follower requests since the IPhone app doesn't provide that for you.. Its always exciting when it says 3 follower requests or 5 followers requests. It makes my day a tad bit brighter to think that people want to follow me. Not that I'm as interesting as a movie star or a nobody gone famous over who they associate with. But its a good way to associate with the cyber world without having to much involvement.
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