Think at what age life will really take off or has it.
Wonder if you were really made to be a parent or not.
Think what if.
Wonder if soulmates really exist.
Have dreams that really come true.
Wonder what god thinks of you.
See couples and wonder how they met.
Eat something and think "Why did I"
Text someone on accident.
Wish things were different.
Wonder what plan is set for you.
Wonder why some people are in your life.
See a child with bad parents and think why can't that child be mine.
Wear something knowing you shouldn't have.
Wonder why some people do the things they do.
Hear overweight people talk shit about thin people and think do something about it then.
Think about how life has soo many whys, what ifs, not fairs...I do quite often and shouldn't. We should all be happy in our own skin and with the cards we have been dealt with. Some people have worse cards than others. But some have been dealt with really good cards. Such as looks, personality, careers and so on. Why is that? Is that what makes us all different. I have a few friends in my life that really have good lives and just don't see it. Others put themselves in bad deals and can't get out. Then some I just look at and think WHY are you in my life!!