Friday, April 29, 2011

My Five Friday Favs.

1.  Black Bean Burrito, homemade of course! Black beans are sooo good for you and your heart, not to mention how YUMMY they are.

2.  Smart Water with slices of Lemon dropped inside of the bottle.

3.  Zooey Deschanel, Love her and her style.  I think its her voice and the way she speaks that really intrigues me.

4.  So very Patriotic.  She sported this shirt @ Coachella and Refinery 29 blog got a pic. I had to repost it, I think it is just such a must have for 4th of July.

5.  Last week I came across this lipgloss and have not been able to put it down. Too Faced Lip Bronzer, Snow Bunny.  Its got a bit of a sweet taste but a very smooth shimmery look.

Thursday, April 28, 2011


Free life information or life changing quotes are hard to come by.  For the past ummm, year or so I have been on Twitter. It has become part of my daily routine to wake up, make a cup of coffee and read what I have missed during my eight hours of being off in wonderland.  I have certain people that I follow who tweet inspiring words with amazing messages behind them.  Some people tweet about their recent Facebook or blog postings, some tweet good and bad advice to others & some use it as a way to express themselves in 140 characters or less.  My favorites to follow are @pattistanger she gives amazing dating advice and is as honest as could be. @RevRunWisdom posts daily religious and biblical quotes to literally live by. I often find myself saying OMG that is sooo me today. @MadisonMalibu is just funny and loves to post pictures of his daily business ventures, which coming from a small town I love seeing what he's up to next. And of course @therealzooyed is just herself as she was in Failure to Launch, how can you just not love her!  I often post what comes to mind and/or what is happening at the moment.  Some like it and some well... don't.  It takes time like anything else to get a hold of the understanding of the Twitter world.  For the longest time I would have to google and see what RT, Hashtags, http:.bit blah blah blah was.  I have grown to know how it all works now and am loving how private you can make your Twitter account too.  Once a week I get online to check if I have any new follower requests since the IPhone app doesn't provide that for you..  Its always exciting when it says 3 follower requests or 5 followers requests.  It makes my day a tad bit brighter to think that people want to follow me.  Not that I'm as interesting as a movie star or a nobody gone famous over who they associate with.  But its a good way to associate with the cyber world without having to much involvement.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Go Way Back.

This morning I found some pictures I just had to scan and post!  This is truly me as a child and each picture shows my personality.

1.  I loved loved loved to make mudpies as a child.  The minute I'd see even just a drop of water on the curb I was allllllllll about it.

2.  My sister and I were super close.  She practically raised me being that we were almost 10 years apart.  Summers and weekends were the best with her.  From playing dress up, to riding bikes or even playing in my kiddie pool.

3.  I loved going to out to my Avos house n Saturdays.  Sitting in the window drinking orange tea and eating portuguese cookies that she would make to even taking walks to see the fish in the canal. 

Just Because.

Do you ever wonder why people say things they do?  I always say to myself Just Because... You live in a fantasy world, it doesn't give you the right to be rude.  Or Just Because... You feel as if you are invincible doesn't mean that things will always go your way.  

Last night I went with a couple of friends to dinner.  We sat at the counter with me sitting on the right side leaving me on the end.  Two seats over was a middle aged man, well maybe he was older than middle aged.  But, either way.. When I sat down he says to me let me buy you a drink.  Since I had just gotten done working out with a trainer and power walking for an hour, I politely declined.  He then proceeds to be pushy and says how about a soda. Once again I had to decline I don't drink soda or caffeine in general, sorry!  He then says water at least, so I said sure a water with no ice and lemon will do just fine.  My friends and I ordered dinner and while waiting for my pre-dinner salad to come he receives his dinner and offers me a mushroom and some shrimp, once again I politely declined.  He says may I offer you some garlic bread at least.  No Thank you I replied, I don't like it.  My salad and then dinner came and by this time another man joins the man and I over hear him say to his friend how my sisters and I are very nice and not bad looking and to add quite entertaining with the conversations and comments he has been over hearing.  I kept on with my dinner and as we are finishing up he says you and your sisters are sooo young, do you live here in town?  I politely had had enough of this obviously lonely man, so I turned to him and said, we are not sisters, no are we that young.  We are all 30 and above and no we do live in this town.  Thinking I settled that with how polite and uninterested I made it seem, or I thought, I hear him then tell his friend I wish I had a daughter like her. 

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Your Sign.

All who know me, know that reading is just not in my list of things to do.  I always get motivated to, then lose the motivation after I read the first 2 pages, then I set the book down, walk away from it and that is that.  Last week I ran across a book that caught my eye and has me reading on and on and on.  It has given me all the info on being a Leo.  Your Personal Horoscope 2011 by Joseph Polansky, I had never heard of it until standing in line to buy the new People Magazine at Borders after watching the movie Rio with two little ladies I have often spent my Saturdays with. 

It starts off with your Personality Profile. Then moves onto Elements, Planet Profiles, Colours, Signs for most helpful in different aspects, then it goes on to help you understand your sign and then gives your brief horoscopes month to month with your lucky and bad days.  I must say, it has a Leo to a T.  I was quite shocked and very intrigued with what it had to say and some of the insights it had on my future.  I've always been kind of interested in horoscopes and randomly read them in the back of magazines or the daily paper.  I've never had one completely shock me like this book has. 

Monday, April 25, 2011


And summer is almost here.  Time for that hair to go up, those cute headbands, clips and hats to come out!  But for those cool evenings or afternoon BBQs Braids seem to be the way to go.  Growing up I pretty much had a braid every day of summer and even slept in it to have the fun wave in the morning on Sundays for church.  Ive come across some super cute braids and styles that are way cooler for this upcoming season...

Friday, April 22, 2011

Taking it off.

I'll be back to blog next week! Took this week off for myself!

Have a Happy Easter!

Friday, April 15, 2011

My Five Friday Favs.

1.  My Cousins 21st Birthday invite has to be the cutest invite EVER, plus it truly shows her rock'n personality.

2.  Panama Jack Beach Cruiser..  I received this last year for my 30th Birthday from my extended family.  The sun is out and that means its going to get much use!

3. My Grandpa.  He celebrated his 84th birthday on Wednesday.

4.  Last weekends roadtrip to Hollywood with a last minute stop at the Wax Muesum

5.  Super cute, cheap and colorful centerpieces that were featured on a blog that I follow!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Detox and Inshape.

For the past few months I have been on a semi health kick! Semi, I said.  Well... It has become into full affect with the fact I still have a cigarette here and there or every morning I should actually admit to, which is actually better than the 4 or 5 I would have a day, normally.  So for a while now I have cut back what I consume as far as meds, liquids, foods and anything else that might interfere with me becoming healthy and living a great dr. free life. With the exception of working on quitting the Yuk habit of smoking.  I have limited myself to having 1 cup of decaf coffee with 1 packet of sweet n low and two drops of milk each morning, 1 bottle of water to follow, 1/2 cup skim milk with 1 cup of Cheerios or Special K, 2 gummie multi vitamins, 1 B-12 pill and 1 Flax Oil Capsule.  I have done this routine for about a month now and I must say I am feeling pretty good.  I feel the B-12 gives me a hint extra energy that I need and the Flax Oil Capsule seems to cleanse the toxins that have been living in my body from the bad intake that I have consumed for years (maybe that is just in my head) but it seems to be doing me good.  As the day goes on I try to drink at least 2-3 glasses of Lipton Decaf Green Tea freshly brewed with 2 packets of Detox tea added in to a pitcher that I keep stored in the fridge.  The rest of the day I drink water and then have a warm cup of Chamomille tea to help me relax and give me a good nights sleep.  I often will add a slice of lemon to my water to add a little perk and not be so dull all the time.  Working out is also in my daily routine.  I have been walking, running or doing the eliptical for a minimum of 25 minutes a day five days a week followed by working with a trainer for an hour or doing a relaxing but tough class of pilates about 3 times a week.  I must say I am highly motivated to have that bikini body this year or at least be close to it. 

I'd be very happy to look as good as Carrie or Lauren!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Do You Ever...

Think at what age life will really take off or has it.
Wonder if you were really made to be a parent or not.
Think what if.
Wonder if soulmates really exist.
Have dreams that really come true.
Wonder what god thinks of you.
See couples and wonder how they met.
Eat something and think "Why did I"
Text someone on accident.
Wish things were different.
Wonder what plan is set for you.
Wonder why some people are in your life.
See a child with bad parents and think why can't that child be mine.
Wear something knowing you shouldn't have.
Wonder why some people do the things they do.
Hear overweight people talk shit about thin people and think do something about it then.


Think about how life has soo many whys, what ifs, not fairs...I do quite often and shouldn't.  We should all be happy in our own skin and with the cards we have been dealt with.  Some people have worse cards than others.  But some have been dealt with really good cards.  Such as looks, personality, careers and so on.  Why is that? Is that what makes us all different.  I have a few friends in my life that really have good lives and just don't see it.  Others put themselves in bad deals and can't get out.  Then some I just look at and think WHY are you in my life!!

My Five Friday Favs..OOPS...on Monday

1.  Floppy Summer Hat for the Beach or laying out at the River

2.  Brown Wedges...Perfect for those summer evening BBQ's with friends

3.  La Sandia Black Bean and Chicken Burrito on Third Street in Santa Monica...YUMMY!

4.  My new fav show!  Police Women of Broward County

5.  Leafy Earrings in Gold and Silver...They are reversible.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

PrePlanning Failure.

I'm all about preplanning an outfit for a special night out or even an event.  Then as I am putting it on and getting ready for the big reveal, umm it always bombs! The night goes bad somehow, the event gets cancelled or plans change for the worse. Then there is a ruined outfit for nothing when I could have worn it and been able to rock it with dancing the night away or a swooped in kiss by a mini crush perhaps???  Therefore, I am no longer going to plan what to wear a week in advance! I believe its part of my OCD/Type A personality trait.  But here are some outfits I do plan on wearing this spring, if it stops raining and the weather cooperates. 

 I Love how these Corks Heels Go with both Dresses...

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Portuguese Rice Pudding (Arroz Dulce)

As a child my grandmother made this at least once but even sometimes twice a week! YUMMY.. This receipe is not the exact same as to my mom holds the original but I found this one on and it is delicious.


4 Large Cups of Milk

1 Cup of Water

1 Cup of White Rice

1 Cup of Sugar (or less)

1 Tsp Butter

2 eggs beaten

1 Strip of Fresh Lemon Peel

1 Cinnamon stick (optional)

Ground Cinnamon to Sprinkle


Put the rice and the water with the stick of cinnamon and 2 cups of milk in a pan. Cook it in medium heat for about 20 minutes. When necessary add the rest of the milk but don´t allow it to boil. When the rice is tender add the sugar, the butter, the lemon and mix well. Cook the rice for another five minutes.

Then, remove the pan from the heat, remove the cinnamon stick and the lemon and stir in the beaten eggs. Mix it well, until the eggs have incorporated in the rice.

To serve the sweet rice you can use either a serving dish, soup plates or bowls. Finally, sprinkle the sweet rice with ground cinnamon and you can serve both hot or cold, after refrigerate it for a few hours.


Shake Your Hair Feather.

A couple of weeks ago I went in for a haircut and came out with two feathers in my hair.  I had seen it on a blog a couple of months ago on a girl who works at a salon in LA that I follow.  Who knew in a short while they would be all over the Central Valley.  I love them.  Especially to see the look on random peoples faces when they are trying to figure out what you have in your hair.  They come in all colors and I mean allllll colors.  You pick anywhere from 1 to however many, the hairstylist simply gets a little clamp and somehow entwines them into the root of a few strands of hair.

Friday, April 1, 2011

My Five Friday Favs.

1.  Edy's Black Cherry Vanilla Swirl

2.  A great little country dive bar..The Pastime (Gustine, Ca)

3.  Tom's All Natural Deodorant

4.  Versace Sunglasses..Much needed for the laying out by the pool days

5.  The best way to describe me. Plus I really liked the pink frame<3